Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The War in Iraq

My feelings about the war are very conflicted. I opposed the idea of invading Iraq but having done so I find the idea of just pulling out repugnant. I think it has to do with the idea that we should leave the world better than we found it. A sort of we broke it so we must fix it mentality.
Given the recent turn of events in Afghanistan I am not sure we know how to fix it. The problem with self-determination is that you do have to do it yourself; it can not be done for you.

06-04-06 War Crimes
The allegations that enraged Marines have committed war crimes against Iraqi families highlights the need for the Bush administration to stop pretending that Iraq is not becoming as much a quagmire as Viet Nam became. It suggests that the troops are suffering battle fatigue because they are undermanned. The Secretary of Defense should have listened to the professional soldiers in the military as to how many troops would be needed to stabilize the situation before turning the job over to the new government.

06-10-06 The death of al-Zarqawi
I find that I can not be euphoric about the death of anyone. I fear Islamic fundamentalists will try to make al-Zarqawi et al into martyrs to their cause what ever it is. I however have never sensed that the Creator has any special affection for persons who have advocated the murdering of other people simply because they choose not to agree with their world view so I do not feel that al-Zarqawi et al will be viewed as martyrs by the Angels and the Creator. Since al-Zarqawi was not Iraqi and Iraq has traditionally been a more secular society than fundamentalist society I doubt that there will be too much political impact as a result of his death. I think that the majority of Iraqis viewed al-Zarqawi as an outside agitator who brought more death and destruction to their land and their lives. They probably see the US military in a similar light which in view of the alleged war crimes that have been perpetrated by members of the US military is not far from the truth. Hopefully a reduction in the level of violence coupled with vigorous prosecution of offenders will stop members of the US military from future criminal acts. My best hope is that al-Zarqawi's death reduces the level of violence that the Iraqi people have endured.

At least the politicians have rejected the idea of setting a time table for withdrawal. Everyone would be better served if those in charge focused on what needs to be done to restore a semblance of order in Iraq and how to get the job done then we can calculate how long it will take.

6-26-06 The Trouble with Time Tables
Time tables are great for buses, trains, and planes but not so good for wars. A better plan for the situation in Iraq is a goal table. A set series of goals that when met allow for the reduction and then elimination of foreign troops from Iraq. The problem with professional politicians is that they are so accustomed to making political promises to the voters that they rarely keep that the idea of setting a goal and meeting it is an alien concept to them.

The Baker-Hamilton Commission report has been released and no one seems to like it.
I think we have to consider letting Iraq divide. The Kurdish area would probably be a fairly stable autonomous region. Just because the Turks use oppressive actions against Kurds in Turkey is not a reason for the USA to suppress the Kurds desire for self rule in Iraq. The Shite areas will probably ally with Iran and the Sunni with the Sauds which will bring a semblance of stability to the region.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Thoughts about illegal immigration

I can understand why people want to come to the US. Historically people have always wanted to come here in search of a better life style; to the place that promises justice and liberty.

I do not see the problem with making English the official language. The great documents of the US the ( Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) are in English. Having English as the official language may serve to remind newcomers that things may be done differently here than how they were done where they came from and that they must abide by the rules of this republic.

Congress has never placed enough emphasis on dealing with businesses that knowingly hire illegals so as to avoid paying for items like the employer's social security contribution, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation insurance, and other mandated fees. I believe that those employers who have failed to make the mandated payments should not only pay a large fine but face a mandatory jail sentence. An employer who was provided with a fake social security number would have made the required payments. An employer may not know if a person is here legally or not but they do know whether they are paying the taxes that employers are required to pay.

The Congressional politicians claim they are doing what the public wants yet they ignore what polls say is the main issue that people cite as the biggest problem of illegal immigration.

As I understand the Hazelton, PA plan to control illegal immigrants one part places some responsibility on landlords not to rent to illegals by requiring people to get a certification of eligibility from town hall. Not sure exactly how this works but it sounds like a step in the right direction. A landlord may not be able to adequately check on a renter's credentials but can easily check with a local bureaucracies about a permit.
I find the reports that illegal aliens have been able to get mortgages very distressing. Obviously if the mortgage holder is caught and deported this would become a delinquent mortgage that would have to be foreclosed and is therefore a high risk loan. Not a good business policy.

Monday, May 22, 2006

The beginning

Having decided to create a personal weblog I find I suddenly have nothing to say.
This will change as I become more comfortable with this medium.

Readers will find I have varied opinions on a lot of subjects and enjoy a spirited but civil discussion; in other words its my blog and I'll say what I want to.

Balanced pragmatism sort of sums up my view of life. I am not particularly wed to any one philosophy.